I’m angry ….

I’m so angry at the moment, that I don’t even know where to start The death of Sarah Everard is not a TERF war. Its not an alienation tactic. Its not a political stance. Its not you v them. Its not raising the profile or a PR stunt by high profile people.  Reading and looking… Continue reading I’m angry ….

Becoming inspired

It has been a long time since I sat and wrote a blog post on this account. The reasons are numerous and to some extent are of no real consequence here. Yet today, I find myself pondering and thinking over the last week. I was lucky enough to attend a Women in Tech conference as… Continue reading Becoming inspired

Commercialising STEM 

Over the last few years I’ve seen a growing number of commercials using STEM to promote, advertise or to attempt to show their product in a good light around this issue. The importance of this only grows, as we see an ‘insurgence’ of right-wing, conservative policies and politics trying to rescind,  rewind & damage what… Continue reading Commercialising STEM 

Sit down you’re rocking the boat

Rocking the boat does not mean turning into a full anarchist, deliberately being obstructive, and negative. It means being inquisitive, challenging, questioning, engaging, visualizing a different way of seeing things. Getting people to see challenges in a different way.

The glass slipper

It’s harder than I thought to write this blog. Firstly my parameter was to write about my experiences of getting ahead in my business and secondly, how that was for a women, especially in a male oriented business. TWITT is raising a very valid point. Women in I.T! Wonderful, I’m all for a women in… Continue reading The glass slipper

Gender in Recruitment

Recently, I was talking to a friend who was building a senior IT leadership team to report into a female IT director and I asked how many of the nine roles had gone to women. The reply was “none” followed up by “there were absolutely no female applicants”. We both rolled our eyes out of… Continue reading Gender in Recruitment