
We have all seen it and we all know it; bad bosses drive aware good employees.
Many bosses think they are great; but only the truly great ones will lead and not manage.
They will engage and empower you in conversation and the conversation and the learning will be a 2-way street
So which boss are you?

Do not underestimate the quiet man

Speak when spoken to was the words used by my parents when in company of me as a child; which did 2 things;
1) Touch me the value of listening and hearing
2) Knowing that not everything that is spoken is key to a conversation

So I ask you to ponder do you speak too much and listen less; or hear all and speak only when necessary to do so


Hi everyone! I hope that you are well. Did you know that credibility is “decided” in a split second? Last year I did a course on personal impact and it contested that our brain looks at: Age Sex Ethnicity The objects you hold or surround yourself by Clothes Manners Posture Eye contact Stability Smile For… Continue reading Credibility

I’m angry ….

I’m so angry at the moment, that I don’t even know where to start The death of Sarah Everard is not a TERF war. Its not an alienation tactic. Its not a political stance. Its not you v them. Its not raising the profile or a PR stunt by high profile people.  Reading and looking… Continue reading I’m angry ….