Sticks & Stones

Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me, except they will cut deeper; harder and last longer than any broken bone will
Bullying in the verbal is no less traumatic than the physical violence tolled on the person only the scars may not show until many years later


We have all seen it and we all know it; bad bosses drive aware good employees.
Many bosses think they are great; but only the truly great ones will lead and not manage.
They will engage and empower you in conversation and the conversation and the learning will be a 2-way street
So which boss are you?

Do not underestimate the quiet man

Speak when spoken to was the words used by my parents when in company of me as a child; which did 2 things;
1) Touch me the value of listening and hearing
2) Knowing that not everything that is spoken is key to a conversation

So I ask you to ponder do you speak too much and listen less; or hear all and speak only when necessary to do so


Life has its difficulties, we do not always progress as we would like. Sometimes there are obstacles, some a bit more complicated than others. Sometimes we want to feed our egos, thinking about overcoming them on our own, and what we do instead is limit our chances of success (and the quality of our life).… Continue reading Networking


So is bullying really worth it? Below are just some of the ‘suitcases’ as I think of them — the means and tactics that were part of my experience of getting over bullying, moving on from the experience and processing it. It is not an exhaustive list and doesn’t include depression, meltdowns etc! We all… Continue reading Suitcases

Moving forward and upward

Hi everyone! We get up and we do not know how the day will have dawned. One day is good .. Another one not so good 😉 Regardless of the weather, nothing beats feeling warmth and optimism in our hearts to face the day and the days ahead. Today we are going to share advice… Continue reading Moving forward and upward

Learning lessons

Hello all, How are you? Part of everyday experiences is something new. Some experiences are joyful, some make us wish we were somewhere else! Either way, experiences are a gift, an opportunity to learn something. I have heard a lot about “challenging experiences” being great teachers. I find challenges can be twofold: first, sorting out… Continue reading Learning lessons

A quick re-blog on inspiration and representation

I am re-blogging this from my husbands’ site, as it is phrased so eloquently, I thought it worth a re-share. If nothing else, it proves how important it is to bring everyone along on the journey, not just those having to travel it. Things Lady M Says: Now You Know

Sit down you’re rocking the boat

Rocking the boat does not mean turning into a full anarchist, deliberately being obstructive, and negative. It means being inquisitive, challenging, questioning, engaging, visualizing a different way of seeing things. Getting people to see challenges in a different way.

The Glass Slipper pt2

It’s 2015, it’s all about equality for everyone. Yey! Calling all women, calling all women, equality; what does it mean to you? I’m a CEO of a company that invests in women all over the world. But right now what I do doesn’t matter too much. More so I want to talk about the glass… Continue reading The Glass Slipper pt2