Hang On, Who Wears The Trousers?

There’s an old quip that states that behind every successful man is a surprised woman. I suspect its lasting power comes from the more than sneaking suspicion by men that it is true; and the certain knowledge by those that love them that it absolutely is. In the Arabic world, the husband is seen as… Continue reading Hang On, Who Wears The Trousers?

Come with me down the rabbit hole

Do you ever follow a path and wonder where it will take you?  Like Alice, I’ve followed many Rabbits down their little holes and into their warrens but not really understood why.  I needed to go on a journey of discovery I suppose to understood what made me tick, what was right for me, and… Continue reading Come with me down the rabbit hole

Do you want to build a snowman?

Yes. Like Olaf I want the impossible. I want to build a snowman in Spring and Summer and have it survive. I want to be the person who dares to be different, to push boundaries, and make the impossible possible. However, building that snowman is not just about negotiating the problems with weather. It is… Continue reading Do you want to build a snowman?

I’m mad and I know it ….

Today is mental health awareness day and in a report back in 2013, shows that women are 40% more likely to develop mental illnesses than men.  Why is this?  Do women really develop more mental illnesses than men or are we more prone to visit our GP and or talk about our issues. When people… Continue reading I’m mad and I know it ….

Who Knew the Bear Could Dance?

Once upon a time, back when the Dead Sea was still only sick, women usually had extremely defined roles in the work place (when she was acknowledged and employed out of the home at all). She was probably single (many offices would not employ married women). She was likely in an administration or ‘grunt work’… Continue reading Who Knew the Bear Could Dance?

The key to communication

The key to all communication is the ability to listen, understand, and respond effectively.  Sounds simple enough doesn’t it, but so many people don’t and can’t communicate effectively. I always thought communication was one of my strong points, I still do, but even I work hard on using the correct form and means of communication… Continue reading The key to communication

Fear of fear itself

People have said to me that I have done some pretty amazing things.  I even had one employee ask me if there is anything I hadn’t done.  My response was of course, ” I haven’t learnt to fly a plane, be my own boss, conquered my fears, ruled the world”. Ok some of these were… Continue reading Fear of fear itself

Women Gamers

On the TWITT twitter feed today, I saw a post which had me sat with mixed emotions.  The article was entitled “Growth in Gaming …” which talked about having more women designing games – great point and absolutely.  However, the tag line then goes on to say for women.  Question why should women game designers… Continue reading Women Gamers

What is TWITT?

TWITT is an acronym standing for Today’s Women In Tomorrows’ Technology.  This is not just about being a support network for women already working within the technology industry, but also providing mentors, support, and guidance for the young and up and coming women in today’s society who want to get into Technology. As someone who… Continue reading What is TWITT?